Short information and early biography of Tim Burton

Timothy Walker Burton, known as well as Tim Burton, is one of the most controversial directors in Hollywood history. His movies are characterized by dark humor and scary fiction. He is also animator, screenwriter, producer and artist. His art mostly presents his dreams and fantasies.
He was born in 1958 in Burbank. His passion for filming was already seen in his early teen years- when he was 13, he started to make his first short-clip movies in his backyard. He didn't have good results in high school and some information says, that he didn't even finish it. He went to study character animation at California Institute of Arts in Valencia. For short time he worked with Disney and after that he started his own productions. His first animated film was "Vincent"(1982) which was based on his favorite childhood actor, Vincent Price. The movies, that made his career sky-rocketed were "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure"(1985) and "Beetlejuice". 


  1. Tim Burton is indeed a maverick of Hollywood and an interesting topic to write about. I hope you manage to find different angles and sources to write about him.
    Link to the source?!
    Mind you: his career SKY-ROCKETED,

  2. Early I haven't heard about him. It would be such an interesting subject in my opinion and I could learn new information about Tim Burton

  3. I don't read about him before, but from your article I took a lot of information about his life and career, despite this text is quite short.


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