Reflection- events

 I remember, when I was younger big social or sport events weren’t so common in Warsaw. Now it’s normal that each weekend is happening on the streets or in locals of Warsaw. For example on Sunday when I was going to visit my aunt I’ve spotted for example Breakfast Market on Moktow and Women’s run ANITA.
 Why is it now that there’s a lot more social events? This fashion had come from  United States and western Europe to us recently. Of course there were big events already before, but they weren’t so often- maybe two or three for a year. And another think why there are so many of them? A lot of events are as attractions or advertisement, but there’s also many which are holding a goal to interact people and change goverment. It’s good way to gather people that share the same ideals and want to change something in how everything in country and society is working. The organisators of events can be famous people, organisations or companies. I’m glad that such a trend had come to Poland.


  1. True, there are a lot of attempts to get people out of their homes. You haven't mentioned any cultural events, like open-air concerts, exhibitions, museum nights, etc., which do a lot of good too.

  2. I'm also happy that this trend has become so popular in Poland especially considering the fact that (like you said in the latest post) Polish people are rather distant and this kind of events are based on interacting with others.


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