Reflection- being right and what's truth

   It's normal for many of us to have argument with parent, partner or friend. There'a a lot of things you can argue about- silly or not. But who wins arguments and is this person always right?
   The main point of argument is to prove being right to your "opponent". But while being all subjective, can you really say you're right? Giving your point of view and solid arguments are valuable part of every discussion. But the problem is when two stubborn people meet and begin argument about topic which, in their opinion, is really important and proving their point is main point of everything. How can we truly value arguments, when there are so many possible perspectives on subject?  The only resolutions to find truth in argument is to find idea which both parts can agree with and name as "truth" or find third-part, who is objective and can judge opinions, and take their verdict as official "truth". To wrap everything up, I think there's problem with defying what truth truly is especially, when points of views of many people is different. The only possibility to find truth while arguing or discussing you can be right when your "truth" is accepted by counter-part or is selected by objective judgment of someone else.


  1. Reread your final sentence - there's something wrong with it.
    Also, you probably didn't mean 'defying' truth but 'determining'?


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