Reflection- anxiety and stress

      For most of high schoolers, being stressed is everyday thing. I'm the same in this case. Keeping up with studies, tests, extra classes, work and family matters can take a tool on anyone.
      Why stress is so normal and often nowadays? Was each day always so stressful for everyone even before? Is stress necessary for us? Stress has existed for long time, that’s for sure. Our ancestors felt it, we are feeling it now and I’m sure, that our descendants are going to feel it. Stress is natural mechanism, that when well used can motivate to work or help survive. Nowadays we find ourselves overwhelmed with feeling of stress. It comes from too high production of cortisol hormone. Why it’s happening? Each day human is pressured by random things- school, work, big events. Often, while watching tv, you can see ads about pills which can help you reduce stress. We know we are stressed, big concerns know  it and what's the most important- our society knows it. Stress is used nowadays not to help you survive but to manipulate and motivate. It's happening especially in big cities- while life on countryside is slower and more chill, in metropolis it's all about time, to not be late, to be able to do everything on time. It's useful for society- they need perfectionists which can do everything. That's why even in earliest years of life children are met with stress to be the best, which will assist them their whole life. The rat race is something common and truly stressful. To sum up everything- stress isn't bad in itself, the bad thing is overdose of it. Nowadays society manipulates us to be the best with pressuring which produces some unnecessary stress and it stays with everyone living in rush.


  1. Don't we create stress ourselves most of the time? Unrealistic expectations, comparing ourselves to people we cannot possibly outperform, joining the rat race - we have ourselves to blame for the havoc it all wreaks on us.


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