Reflection- empathy

   This week i watched some news with my mum and there was adressed issue about people more often hurting and leaving dogs. My mum claimed, that people no longer have empathy and our population is starting to lose it.
    Is it true that we can’t reciprocate feelings as our grandparents or is it just that issue is addressed only now and before that no one thought about lack of empathy? Firstly I think our population has problems with being emphatic for some time now. It didn’t start only recently, there’ve been always selfish behavior. Bur is it getting even worse now? Is it true that all electronics and society has influence on our abbility to reciprocate anothers feelings? I think It’s really possible. If people are losing their social abbilities like leading conversation or spending time without using mobiles why it wouldn’t influence our capabilities of feelings? It’s scary how often you see people ignoring for example weak looking, olders or even children in public transportation just to look into their mobile and scroll through social media. Ignorance in modern society is really big issue and i think that problems with empathy in humans are getting even worse right now with how our world looks like.


  1. I think people have become more self-centred and, as a result, they are not as interested in other people as they used to be. It just doesn't seem necessary.
    There is a difference between EMPHATIC and EMPATHETIC/EMPATHIC!

  2. I think it's scary to see a whole train filled with people where almost everyone is looking at their phones.


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