Reflection- public communication

   Each day I have to take bus to get to school or to even meet up with someone or get back home. My bus with which I get to school comes 10 minutes after the previous arrives. So why people are crowdimg so much the first one and don’t want to wait for the next one for their own comfort of traveling?
    Now it’s common to hear that people live fast- they always have to rush. Does our live not give us any extra time? Do we have to rush all the time? Society now like all the information flowing through internet or electronic devices has to think and act fast to take new information and put them into use. Everyday life of common student or worker is all scheduled tightly not leaving time slow down and relax. It’s often to hear about people being stressed or to busy to do anything extra like hobbies. Our society is now living up to our technologies- fast and perfectly, it’s required from them. Our ancestors didn’t have so much stress and rush when they didn’t have clocks and could set time of work basing only on sun movements. Wraping everything up- people living in modern society are living in constant rush and stress, because their day is planned and they have to watch constantly what the time is.


  1. And that's why we suffer from lifestyle-related diseases: hypertension, obesity, diabetes, etc.

  2. Ahh if only there were more hours in the day...


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