Why in the age of science so many people believe in paranatural things?

In the age of science so many people believe in paranatural things, because it makes everything more interesting.
For the long time people explained a lot of natural phenomena as something that has to do with paranatural creatures and magic. In every part of the world this tendency was seen- myths, legends and fairy tales. Nowadays with development of science these stories lost their sense but they still intrigue and make people curious. Nowadays god-like creatures changed to ghosts, phantoms, polyesters, etc. Ghost stories are interesting for a lot of people, believing in them makes life more interesting. Explaining things that are abnormal by paranatural activity is natural for human kind. Not a lot of people thinks first about science explanation when something happens.
People tend to believe in paranatural things even though we’re in age of science, and that’ natural for human kind. Paranatural things are mysterious and interesting- that’s why so many people are so much into them.
