Is it possible that we will stop being throw-away society?

I think that it’s possible that we will stop being throw-away society, even though it seems to be impossible.
A lot of people take some things as for granted- who does’t think in cities that warm water and plastic bags in shops is something absolutely normal. But it’s still possible to make people aware of what is happening to outland by our behavior. For a lot of people it might sound ridiculous and optimistic but i believe that it’s possible to influence at other people behavior. Human psychology might be complicated but i’m sure that it might be taken as the way to make people aware and change. Additionally people don’t want to live in poluted area- making them aware that everything that we do might have impact on our and our descendants health might help some people to realize that there’s need to take action.
I’m sure that changing mindset of people to not be throw—away society is really possible. It might take time and a lot of work, but i’m sure that gradually people will take their goal and stop being not ecological.
