Who or what is to blame for a modern obesity?

One to blame for modern obesity, for sure are big corporations in fast food field.
Firstly the food that is sold by them isn't fully made of healthy and fresh ingredients- most of them are multi times modigicated chemically. People of course aren't fully aware of that, being deceived with pretty pictures and satisfaction that they have after consumption. Food might look all colorful, beatiful and tasty, but actually it's after gaining a lot of dyes and favors that have to imitate true food. Secondly there's a lot of mass culture propaganda around people. Wherever you look there's possibly a billboard or ad about tasty fast food not so far. And lastly there's a problem with how all of this had their influence on people. All children already knows what's McDonald's- place where you can play on playground, eat tasty food and get a toy which comes with happy meal. All families comes there daily for dinners. New generation is growing up with love for fast food that I can even say is addiction. Every meet up with friends happens at fast food.
Summarizing people can fully blame fast food companies for modern obesity. All pretty ads are mesmerizing for most of us. From the young age our taste buds know food full of calories in all possible forms. Actually people nowadays are stuffing themselves and their beloved with food that is score of multiple transformations. It is everywhere now and is in everyone's life.


  1. Your paragraph is much longer than agreed - try to stick to the word limit next time (it's not a pointless exercise!)
    Make sure words you use are actually used ("modigicate").


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