Tim Burton as an artist pt.2

In last post it was mentioned that all movies of Tim Burton begin with sketches- and that's true. All his bizarre characters from animated movies and actor ones were firstly drawn by director. His first sketches of later existing movie characters started in his childhood: for example Frankenweenie. There was a moment at the beginning of his career, where he worked as animator for Disney. He wasn't happy there- his unite art style wasn't appreciated, so he had to imitate old Disney one, and his ideas weren't seen as good ones- by their opinion all of Burton's stories weren't good to show for children and were too bizarre. After leaving Disney, finally he could show his imagination on screens.  There's a lot of sketches on which one are based well-known for people characters- for example Edward Scissorehand, Jack the Skeleton and popular martians.


  1. He have a lively imagination for sure, but for his sketches are a little creepy.

  2. Disney clearly had a point when they concluded that these drawings were not suitable for kids. They do make your hair stand on end.


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